Library Trustee Minutes 4/4/24

April 4, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Pilar Goodell, Director; Public:
Call to Order 5:34pm
 KT made a motion to approve the minutes from 08 Feb 2024. Steve 2 nd . All were in favor.]
 KT nominated Steve Obert to be Trustee Chair, CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 SO nominated Kristan Tilton to be Trustee Secretary, CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 KT nominated Colleen Brennan to be Trustee Treasurer, SO 2 nd . All were in favor.
 Discussed March numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time etc).
o KT commented that the door count looked wonderful
 Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
o PG is to check the policy regarding petty cash amount and deposit as needed.
o CB made a motion for KT to explore moving the memorial fund balance to the library trust
fund with the Trustees of the Trust Funds. SO 2 nd All were in favor.
 Discussed Summer reading budget. KT suggested that there could be sponsorship opportunities
and would be happy to make calls. PG to advise.
 As requested by the Town Administrator, CB will obtain and provide year end bank statement
from 2021 and yearly summary of the accounts as well as the excel version of the 2021 MS-9.
 PG to call painter to schedule a walk through. KT is happy to meet for the walk through as well.
 SO will call roofer for free estimate. Pilar will check whether there are any additional ceiling tiles
 PG noted that the elevator was down but operational upon reset. She has requested a service
appointment from the elevator company who will also be there on 09MAY2024 for inspection.
 PG and SO discussed an anonymous donation of 5 computer set ups that would require
approximately $157 in hardware and approximately $395 to install “DeepFreeze” software (with 3
years of support. DeepFreeze protects patron information in between users. With new monitors
the cost is expected to be under $800.
o KT made a motion to accept the donation and acquire the needed hardware, software with
support, and monitors to come from the computer/hardware budget line item. CB 2 nd . All
were in favor.
o PG advised that the old computers could be locked down to for age-appropriate educational
games downstairs. This will be discussed further.
o PG and SO will coordinate with the donor.
 PG will follow up on trash pick up options and cost to provide at the next meeting.
 SO pulled the current year spend to budget and advised that it looked good.
 KT to call TD bank to find out what needs to happen to get SO on the trustee signature card for the
account in order to be the second signature on checks.
 PG will look into leasing books as an option for newest best sellers and whether the library may
benefit from that option.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm. Next meeting: 02 May 2024