Library Trustee Meeting 9/7/23

Attending: Kristan Tilton, Colleen Brennan, Jennifer Momaney
Board of Trustees Meeting Notes
Call to order
No Public Comments
No concerns with August minutes therefore approved.
Discussion of reports: Treasurer’s Report, Library Director’s Report. See agenda for figures.
Discussion of Programming numbers: pre-school story time, story time, book club
Suggested reaching out to new Beyond the Bell Troy coordinator re: library club
Old Business:
Reflected on summer reading. Participation this summer was consistent. Plushie raffle was a big hit.
Crafts and legos were also popular among the readers. Considering integrating into regular library
activities. Discussed ramping up community outreach.
New Business:
Discussed the matter of timesheets. Will remain unsigned. We determined the position is contracted
with expectation of a certain number of hours worked. As none of the trustees are on site to verify the
hours entered on the time sheet, we don’t feel our signature is necessary as we are already trusting that
the director meets their contracted obligation for hours worked and it would be questioned by the town
if another hour amount was being submitted. We feel it would be brought to our attention by
employees or patrons if the library was not being opened or if the director was not reporting to the
Booksale: slated for 10/13 and 10/14. Discussed whether Columbus Day weekend would be worth
considering coinciding with the town’s festival on the common. Reason for not was people potentially
being out of town for the holiday weekend. Discussed at least promoting at the town festival.
Budget Discussion:
Discussed increase in elevator line item due to the recent service calls and issues to be prepared for
unexpected situations in the future. Discussed increase to computer line item to begin updating patron
computers. There have been complaints due to lack of speed. Discussed likelihood of
water/sewer/phone potentially increasing as well.
Discussed procedure for employee complaint.

Next Meeting Thursday October 5
th 5:30pm