Trustee Meeting Minutes 8/1/24

Gay Kimball Library Trustee Meeting Minutes 8/1/24

Attending: Pilar Goodell, Steve Obert, Colleen Brennan

Absent: Kristan Tilton

Call to order 5:38

  • Discussed email from Kristan regarding $100 budget line stipulation in trustee documents. Will look into further when Kristan can comment. Looks like something we can’t do much about right now but can pursue for next budget.
  • Went over Librarian and treasurer reports
  • Beyond the Bell Summer program going into last week. Has been a good collaboration, brought in lots of kids.
  • Discussed upcoming programming- Laura Ingalls Wilder impersonator – $265 expense (which is half of the total expense, half being paid by Historical Society) Will need a check for event. We can plan to make sure we can stop by to have a check prepared and signed beforehand.
  • Other upcoming programming expense $50 Veronica, presenting on sustainability
  • Discussed current state of accounts. Bills up to date but held off on Sentinel bill to discuss with the group. Would be almost $600 expense to renew for the year but with account bal close to $2000 not comfortable with that large an expense right now especially with programming expenses expected in coming weeks. Decided to renew for 13 wks at a lower price point $138, check written out at the meeting. In meantime will look into history of trust disbursements. In reviewing bank statements from last year, it appears that we may have only received 3 last year. Colleen could not find one at the start of the year for 2023. This could be part of the reason the account has been sitting lower than it used to. In the past when the sitting balance was usually between $3K and $4K. We will look into further and also plan to talk to Kristan on if we can request an additional disbursement if we find we did only receive 3 instead of 4 last year. Discussed if the disbursements are on a set schedule because the Spring disbursement was late, arriving mid/late May. Wondering if this will throw off our remaining 2 disbursements for this year.
  • Summer reading program prizes were discussed. There had been some conversation last meeting of seeking donations as Rotary club previously had provided bikes. Kristan was going to look into some options. Not sure where that stands, but running out of time. We currently have some donated used bikes in place of new ones.
  • Confirmed that majority of fines account funds were moved into checking. Left $27 in fines account just in case a minimum balance was required. I don’t believe the account can be closed online. We can move more over once we know we won’t be assessed fees for too little in there.
  • Steve asked about uses of the checking account (programming, collections, office supplies). Discussed recent paper towel Amazon order that should be reimbursed from town budget from custodial budget funds.
  • Discussed state requirements regarding library holds. Discussion being had at the state level about lowering from 5 to 3. Pilar looking more into to get a better understanding of this.
  • Also discussed the ceiling tiles again. We don’t want to mess with the sprinklers but discussed purchasing a single box to replace the water stained ones at least. Steve will be at Home Depot and see about pricing.

Adjourned 6:26pm

Colleen Brennan

Trustee Meeting Minutes July 2024

July 11, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Not Available Public: None
Call to Order 5:35pm
 KT made a motion to approve the minutes from JUN 2024. CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 Trustees reviewed and discussed JUN numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and
makes, story time etc.).
 Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
o It looks like PG was able to deposit the petty cash. CB will ensure it was registered in Square
and reconcile accounts. She will try to reconcile accounts next week.
 Old Business:
o CB still needs to move the fine account to the Checking account.
o PG confirmed hardcopy TTN missing (KT will ask the newsletter team if they have kept
any of these)
 NOV & DEC 2021
 MAR, OCT, NOV & DEC 2022
 MAR & MAY 2023
 JAN, JUL/AUG2024
o PG confirmed minutes missing 4/23, 10/23, 11/23, 12/23, 1/24, 3/24. PG is asking how
far they need to go back and how long they should be up. SO will into this.
o SO suggested that he will sign the approved minutes moving forward and that will be
the copy that is uploaded.
o SO will look into getting leftover maintenance costs into muni-trust to account for when
more substantial maintenance is needed. (this will happen closer to budget season)
o Trustees of the Trust Funds have requested original trust documents to review
stipulations. KT gave a brief history of the Trust Funds and the Trustees of the Trust
Funds are working on developing a formula so that the disbursement money is spenk
according to Trust stipulations.
o Summer reading prizes: Traditionally donated by the Rotary Club. The bikes are
generally <$100/each. PG will continue to investigate donations or let KT know if there
is someone she can think of to call. The trustees will keep thinking on who to reach out
to for donation.
 New Business:
o Fundraising for storytime book – PG would like ~$100 to purchase a copy of the book for
all participating authors. SO makes a motion to use $100 from existing funds for the
purchase, as it benefits the program. KT seconded the motion. All in favor.
o Programming updates – not provided as PG was not available for the meeting
o SO mentioned that he reviewed the budget with PG and looked up the cost of ceiling
tiles. He estimates that it would be around $500 for new ceiling tiles for the conference
room. This will be discussed again at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:13pm. Next meeting: 01AUG2024 5:30pm

Trustee Meeting Minutes June 2024

June 13, 2024

Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Pilar Goodell, Director; Public: None

Call to Order 5:34pm

  • KT made a motion to approve the minutes from MAY 2024. CB 2nd. All were in favor.
  • PG discussed May numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time etc.).
  • Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
    • Re: Petty cash, Pilar will take to the bank. PG confirmed all petty cash is registered in Square. Moving fwd, treasurer will reconcile Square account.
    • SO made a motion to move Fines account to checking. CB 2nd. All voted in favor.
  • Old Business:
    • CB confirmed that all trustees must meet at TD bank to sign the signature card. CB will make a reservation for 20JUN.
    • Elevator: All set and no further discussion at this time.
    • Beyond the Bell: Working out a schedule to come to the library.
  • New Business:
    • PG is working on two grants after attending the Cheshire County grant writing course.
    • PG is working on uploading the Trustee meeting minutes to the library website. Will reach out to Colleen to recover any missing meeting minutes.
    • PG is working on uploading Troy Communicator. She will see if she can find out who bound the copies before. 
    • SO will looking getting left over maintenance costs into muni-trust to account for when more substantial maintenance is needed.
    • Trustees of the Trust Funds have requested original trust documents to review stipulations.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:73pm. Next meeting: 11JUL 2024

Trustee Meeting Minutes 2/8/24

February 8, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Richard Thackston Jr.
Staff: Pilar Goodell
Call to Order 5:50pm
Discussed January numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time etc) 6 new
patrons. Numbers consistent.
Discussed current figures in library bank accounts. Discussed moving memorial fund balance to the trust
fund to further grow. Need to seek out information on if we can do that.
Discussed printers and need for maintenance. Would be something paid from our town budget funds.
Also discussed trash removal options. Also an item that would be paid from town budget funds.
Discussed current print policy, specifically color prints that certain patrons have been using to excess.
Motion was made by Richard to increase color print cost from 25c to to 50c per page effective March 1 st
seconded by Kristan, all were in favor.
Discussion on magazines, those worth renewing and those to stop. Richard asked what 4 would be the
most important to keep: People, Pioneer Woman, Consumer Reports, and Reader’s Digest.
Discussion was had around prizes for the Question of the Day supply which needs restocking. Motion
was made by Richard to approve the proposed Oriental Trading Company purchase. Kristan seconded,
all were in favor.
Discussed upcoming events. Cook the Books event is in need of supplies. Kristan made a motion to
approve purchase of up to $40 of supplies for event (paper plates, napkins, cups, tablecloths etc).
Richard seconded, all were in favor.
Lion’s club has asked if we would help sponsor an event for $260.00. After discussion it was determined
we don’t have enough information to determine our benefit, would event be held at the library? Tabling
until we have more info to determine if it’s worth the expense as we are currently working to build the
library account back up a bit and might not be a good time for an unexpected $260 expense.
The need for a new disk cleaner was brought up, as well as the need for mouse traps. A motion was
made by Richard to approve the purchase of the $64 cleaner now, and look to increasing budget to then
be able to afford the over $200 cost one down the road. Kristan seconded, all were in favor. Motion also
made by Kristan to approve purchase of mousetraps up to $20, seconded by Richard, all in favor. Pilar
also checking with co-op if there it still a communal one that gets passed around between the libraries.
Adjourn 7:18pm

Trustee Meeting Minutes for 5/2/24

May 2, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Pilar Goodell, Director; Public:
Call to Order 5:32pm
 KT made a motion to approve the minutes from 04 APR 2024. CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 PG discussed March numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time
 Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
o Zentangle will continue in the fall
o EHF will work to notify their guest of the book club book earlier for better participation
o PG is to check the policy regarding petty cash amount and deposit as needed.
 Old Business:
o KT indicated she is checking with the NHLTA and NHMA on rules for the transfer of the
Memorial Fund to the Trust Fund.
o The painter is coming in for final work. When complete the final payment is to come
from Bldg. Maintenance
o The treasurer has received new checks (currently there is an issue with them fitting in
the lockbox)
o SO advised that the roof leak has been fixed and has been paid for. PG found
replacement ceiling tiles in the basement. The expected life of the roof is 7-10 years so
the board should look into funding a capital reserve.

 New Business:
o Pilar and possibly Kristan will work to attend a grant writing workshop in Keene.
o Who has keys to the building? Answer Kristan, All library employees, + those with access
to the key locker code. Board advised Pilar to change the locker code and advise.
o Elevator is fixed: Pilar to call the State of NH and confirm that it’s fixed and pay for the
updated certificate.
o Beyond the Bell Program – attending
o Change Fines account? – PG requested to change the fines account to the Events
account and keep it separately for budget expectation purposes dedicated to Events (i.e.
escape rooms, Halloween, summer reading, May 4 th , Cookie tour). CB will look into how
to change the name of the account. CB made a motion to change the fines account, SO
2 nd – All in favor.
o Trash removal – All setup and will be $45/month
o Computer updates – complete on 3 computers 2 are pending. Did not end up using the
premium level of Deepfreeze as the basic level was adequate.
o CB will stop into TD Bank about putting SO on the signature card.
o Pilar will send the trustees the Overdrive tiers information, and it will be discussed at
the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:02pm. Next meeting: 026 June 2024

Library Trustee Minutes 4/4/24

April 4, 2024
Gay-Kimball Library Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Trustees: Colleen Brennan, Kristan Tilton, Steve Obert; Staff: Pilar Goodell, Director; Public:
Call to Order 5:34pm
 KT made a motion to approve the minutes from 08 Feb 2024. Steve 2 nd . All were in favor.]
 KT nominated Steve Obert to be Trustee Chair, CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 SO nominated Kristan Tilton to be Trustee Secretary, CB 2 nd . All were in favor.
 KT nominated Colleen Brennan to be Trustee Treasurer, SO 2 nd . All were in favor.
 Discussed March numbers (door count, computer usage, Libby, take and makes, story time etc).
o KT commented that the door count looked wonderful
 Discussed current figures in library bank accounts.
o PG is to check the policy regarding petty cash amount and deposit as needed.
o CB made a motion for KT to explore moving the memorial fund balance to the library trust
fund with the Trustees of the Trust Funds. SO 2 nd All were in favor.
 Discussed Summer reading budget. KT suggested that there could be sponsorship opportunities
and would be happy to make calls. PG to advise.
 As requested by the Town Administrator, CB will obtain and provide year end bank statement
from 2021 and yearly summary of the accounts as well as the excel version of the 2021 MS-9.
 PG to call painter to schedule a walk through. KT is happy to meet for the walk through as well.
 SO will call roofer for free estimate. Pilar will check whether there are any additional ceiling tiles
 PG noted that the elevator was down but operational upon reset. She has requested a service
appointment from the elevator company who will also be there on 09MAY2024 for inspection.
 PG and SO discussed an anonymous donation of 5 computer set ups that would require
approximately $157 in hardware and approximately $395 to install “DeepFreeze” software (with 3
years of support. DeepFreeze protects patron information in between users. With new monitors
the cost is expected to be under $800.
o KT made a motion to accept the donation and acquire the needed hardware, software with
support, and monitors to come from the computer/hardware budget line item. CB 2 nd . All
were in favor.
o PG advised that the old computers could be locked down to for age-appropriate educational
games downstairs. This will be discussed further.
o PG and SO will coordinate with the donor.
 PG will follow up on trash pick up options and cost to provide at the next meeting.
 SO pulled the current year spend to budget and advised that it looked good.
 KT to call TD bank to find out what needs to happen to get SO on the trustee signature card for the
account in order to be the second signature on checks.
 PG will look into leasing books as an option for newest best sellers and whether the library may
benefit from that option.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:04pm. Next meeting: 02 May 2024

Library Trustee Meeting 9/7/23

Attending: Kristan Tilton, Colleen Brennan, Jennifer Momaney
Board of Trustees Meeting Notes
Call to order
No Public Comments
No concerns with August minutes therefore approved.
Discussion of reports: Treasurer’s Report, Library Director’s Report. See agenda for figures.
Discussion of Programming numbers: pre-school story time, story time, book club
Suggested reaching out to new Beyond the Bell Troy coordinator re: library club
Old Business:
Reflected on summer reading. Participation this summer was consistent. Plushie raffle was a big hit.
Crafts and legos were also popular among the readers. Considering integrating into regular library
activities. Discussed ramping up community outreach.
New Business:
Discussed the matter of timesheets. Will remain unsigned. We determined the position is contracted
with expectation of a certain number of hours worked. As none of the trustees are on site to verify the
hours entered on the time sheet, we don’t feel our signature is necessary as we are already trusting that
the director meets their contracted obligation for hours worked and it would be questioned by the town
if another hour amount was being submitted. We feel it would be brought to our attention by
employees or patrons if the library was not being opened or if the director was not reporting to the
Booksale: slated for 10/13 and 10/14. Discussed whether Columbus Day weekend would be worth
considering coinciding with the town’s festival on the common. Reason for not was people potentially
being out of town for the holiday weekend. Discussed at least promoting at the town festival.
Budget Discussion:
Discussed increase in elevator line item due to the recent service calls and issues to be prepared for
unexpected situations in the future. Discussed increase to computer line item to begin updating patron
computers. There have been complaints due to lack of speed. Discussed likelihood of
water/sewer/phone potentially increasing as well.
Discussed procedure for employee complaint.

Next Meeting Thursday October 5
th 5:30pm